Cleaning A Hoarder House – Do I Need A Roll Off?
When you have a hoarder friend or relative, it can be difficult to know where to even begin when helping them clean up their home. It can feel overwhelming, but it’s important to approach this delicate project with compassion, patience, and love to achieve positive, lasting results. Start by agreeing on a plan that works for you both. Then, set goals that you can all reach together to keep everyone motivated!
Start With A Plan
Whether you’re helping a hoarder you love, or someone you see struggling with their mess, it’s important to start with a plan. This will make the cleaning process easier and help you avoid getting caught up in the mess, which can lead to frustration and discouragement. Start with one area at a time and set deadlines for task completion. Otherwise, you’re likely to never get through the entire house. Use a room-by-room plan and predetermined criteria for each item, and create separate piles for items to keep, throw away, donate, sell, or move to self storage.
Disinfect Every Surface
Once you’ve removed the clutter and trash, it’s time to disinfect every surface in the home. Having the right products on hand is important to help make this process go as smoothly as possible. Before you start spraying disinfectant down the surfaces, be sure to read the label on the product and follow the directions carefully. You’ll also want to use gloves, masks and protective clothing during this process. Wearing these items will help protect you from germs and toxins that may be present in the hoarder’s home.
Be Patient
When helping a hoarder you love to clean up their home, it is important that you stay patient. It may take some time for your friend or loved one to understand that their compulsion to hoard is causing them harm. Be patient with them and help them develop healthy habits that will allow them to stop hoarding and live more normal lives. Remember that It will also take some patience for you to develop a long-term cleaning plan that works for your friend or loved one.
Don’t Be Afraid To Call In The Professionals
When you’re helping a hoarder you love to clean up their home, it’s important to not be afraid to call in the professionals. They can make the process go smoother, faster and MUCH safer. They’ll also have all the tools you need to get the job done, from trash bags and mops to universal cleaning agents and disinfectants. Getting a roll-off dumpster will help significantly in your efforts as well since it can help you get rid of the many items that the hoarder isn’t able to throw out normally. Nowadays, a professional dumpster rental service really is the only way to handle large quantities of waste, so don’t be afraid to call the waste disposal professionals at Ewings Express Rolloff Service if you have any questions about how to best handle the process!